Sunday 18 March 2012

Beer Duty - Time to Stop the Escalator

Some simple graphics which the BBPA published earlier this week to to visually highlight the positive things our industry does for this country & how successive hikes in beer duty (Beer Duty Escalator) are causing irreversible damage to the beer industry in the UK & how you the responsible UK beer drinker are contributing 40% of ALL the beer duty receipts in Europe.

The Beer Duty Escalator has been increasing Beer Duty 2% above inflation since 2008 & has added 45% extra duty to your pint & it's set to continue until at least 2014.

In the UK we are only second to Finland in the amount of beer duty we pay per pint, but if the escalator continues we will be highest taxed nation on beer in all of Europe. 

The beer industry creates jobs, but successive governments seem to ignore this. At at time of economic stagnation over taxation is causing more job losses when a sensible tax policy would actively create them.
Beer is the lifeblood of the UK pub industry, the Beer Duty Escalator is systematically dismantling the industry forever. "From the towns all inns have been driven; from the villages most….change your hearts or you will lose your inns and you will deserve to have lost them. But when you have lost your inns drown your empty selves for you will have lost the last of England." - Hilaire Belloc
Don't forget all this is in ADDITION to High Strength Beer Duty (HSBD) introduced last year.

Pete Brown penned a piece about the Beer Duty Escalator recently, it is most certainly worth a read.

Alcohol consumption in the UK has been in marked decline since 2004, ministers 'health' rhetoric is wearing thin, time to do your duty citizen, help save our national drink.

Sign the E-Petition & pass it on via email/facebook/twitter to everyone you know. It takes minutes & you really are doing something worthwhile.

The info-graphics above were taken from this:  Tells the whole story in a nutshell.

Thanks for your time.

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